The story turned into a web sensation on Reddit and before long assumed control over the web, turning into an image on various locales like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Individuals before long got on board with that fleeting trend, calling her insane.

The story became famous online in 2014, and individuals are interested to know where the sweetheart is currently in 2022. In this way, let us get more familiar with the story and where Linda is presently.

Reddit: Who Is Linda Murphy? Lady Arrested For Calling Ex 77000 Times In 2014, a Reddit client posted a mugshot of a lady named Linda Murphy crying with the title, “This lady got captured for calling her ex multiple times in seven days,” with a connection to an article prompting the World News Daily Report.

On the site, the article expressed that Linda Murphy was a Mexican lady who the Albuquerque Police Department captured for an outrageous instance of following.

It further guaranteed that the sweetheart was 28 years of age and was fixated on her ex-darling driving her to call him multiple times in seven days with 1937 messages, 41229 messages, and 647 letters around the same time.

Murphy, determined to have over the top impulsive way of behaving, didn’t take her to saying a final farewell to her sweetheart well and utilized three telephones to call him 24 hours per day with the assistance of caffeinated beverages to remain conscious.

The news later read that she at last got captured, which gave a breath of help to the person in question. Linda Murphy’s Boyfriend Revealed The beau that Linda Murphy was following was William Ryans, who had as of late said a final farewell to her subsequent in a serious instance of following.

William’s lawyer, J. D. James Kilroy, expressed that his client experienced an absence of rest and discouragement because of his ex’s activities.

He likewise guaranteed that Ryans were at long last feeling better with Linda Murphy in a correctional facility and believed clinical assistance and the law should get his ex far from him later on.

Where Could Linda Murphy Today be? Linda Murphy, the one who called her sweetheart 77000 times each week, turning into a web sensation, doesn’t exist. The entire story of Linda ended up being a scam and a total joke by the site, as it appears they post savage articles.

The lady whose mugshot the article utilized is a lady named Ciera Steed from Oklahoma. The article utilized her mugshot from 2010 in their composition with a phony storyline.

Ciera got captured in 2010, not so much for following but rather for slithering through a McDonald’s drive-up window in the wake of being tanked.

She stood out enough to be noticed via web-based entertainment after the story with her mugshot circulated around the web, which she tended to on her Facebook.

Ciera passed on a message to others in her remarks, composing,” Take note people: don’t take medications and move through the drive-through windows or this might happen to you.” and requested that individuals quit informing her about the image since it is phony.

At present, the genuine lady behind the phony Linda Murphy works at Pro Shopper and as a scientific expert at Drugstore Cowboy in Oklahoma with her kid.