On August 10, 2017, Peter answered Kim’s solicitations and welcomed her for an outing on board the UC3 Nautilus to lead the meeting. She boarded the vessel from the Refshaleøen Island close to the Copenhagen Harbor at 7 PM and should return two hours after the fact. Whenever neither she nor the submarine got back to the harbor, her beau Ole Stobbe informed the police that evening and they started looking for Kim. The following morning at 10:30 AM the submarine was seen in Køge Bay by a beacon, and it sank at 11:30 AM.


Peter was saved from the waters by a close by speedboat, and he expressed that the submarine had fumbled because of a specialized shortcoming. He was captured because of careless manslaughter and held in pre-preliminary detainment. After being examined concerning Kim, Peter at first professed to have dropped her off ashore the final evening and that the submarine sank because of specialized flaws. Nonetheless, soon his proclamation changed and he admitted that she had died on board the submarine in the wake of being incidentally hit on the head with its structure. Consequently, he tossed the body into the ocean as a demonstration of “covering” her.

On August 21, 2017, Kim’s dissected middle was found by a cyclist on an ocean side south of Copenhagen. On October 6, 2017, her legs, head, garments, and a blade were found in the water too. They were contained in plastic sacks that had been overloaded by metal pieces and lines. By October 29, her arms and a saw were recovered by the police jumpers. A post-mortem examination uncovered that her middle had 15 cut injuries, out of which 14 were in the crotch region. Additionally, her skull gave no indications of obtuse power injury, as Peter had asserted.

After being addressed once more, Peter changed his admission on October 30, 2017, and uncovered that Kim had rather died from carbon monoxide harming because of broken exhaust pipes on the submarine. He added that he had to be sure dissected the body and dissipated the parts in Køge Bay, yet would not have killed Kim. Accordingly, the reason for her passing was as yet indistinct, yet another examination uncovered that there were no hints of harmful gas in her lungs.

Also, the mutilation marks on the body matched the saw as before and video film of ladies being tormented and decapacitated were recovered from Peter’s PC. However he wouldn’t acknowledge the recordings as his, the wide range of various proof was enough for the arraignment to demonstrate that he had in all likelihood tormented her and afterward either choked her or cut her throat, prior to eviscerating her body. Additionally, he concealed the wrongdoing by intentionally sinking the submarine.

Where could Peter Madsen Today be? On January 16, 2018, Peter Madsen was accused of homicide, profane treatment of a carcass, and rape. He argue not liable during his preliminary, and on April 25, 2018, he was indicted on every one of the three charges and granted a lifelong incarceration. He promptly pursued the sentence, however the court maintained the sentence on September 26, 2018. Moreover, a psychological evaluation finished up him to have psychopathic and self-absorbed attributes as well as lacking sympathy, yet all the same not maniacal or capricious.

Peter was first detained at the Storstrøm Prison in Eskilstrup, Denmark, however must be confessed to the medical clinic in August 2018, after a detainee attacked him. He was then detained at the Herstedvester Prison in Albertslund, Denmark, from where he endeavored to escape on October 20, 2020. Peter compromised the jail clinician and got away momentarily, however was grabbed by the police a large portion of a pretty far. He attempted to threaten them with a phony gun and a belt containing fake explosives, that were laid out as phony by the bomb crew.

In his trial, Peter expressed that he had been intending to escape since March 2019, because of the unfortunate day to day environments in the jail for life-sentence convicts. He was condemned to 21-months in jail and requested to pay compensation to the jail analyst for undermining him. However this sentence isn’t added to his life detainment, it might assume a pivotal part in parole demands ahead. In the narrative named ‘Secret Talks Recordings with Peter Madsen’ that circulated in 2020, he admitted hazily that he had killed Kim. Peter is at present carrying out the rest of his punishment in Herstedvester Prison.