Shaan Pritmani is an Indian-American understudy who is by all accounts tormented by a youngster both verbally and genuinely. The entire quarrel was posted on different web-based entertainment like Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube.

On the other hand, Shaan who was quiet about the circumstance remained in his situation and didn’t move from his seat, the harasser appear to have undermined him to leave his seat. Shaan answered that nobody is sitting except for the harasser appears to drive him out actually.

Who Is Sonika Kukreja? Sonika Kukreja is the mother of Shaan. She began as a QA expert in lodgings and later functioned as an item proprietor in JCpenney.

Kukreja is a vocation arranged lady who is at present working with Southwest Airlines as an innovation director. She has been working with the association for 8yrs and 8months.

Moreover, Sonika is by all accounts baffled and shattered by seeing the viral video of tormenting. Be that as it may, the school appears to have neglected to make any move connected with such a circumstance. Kukreja has made a request to change the call of activity of the school.

Shaan Pritmani Mother And Her Petition On Instagram Shaan Pritmani’s mom’s record on Instagram is by all accounts private. She contacted her companions and made a request to engage the school for activity on to beat the issue of harassing.

Shaan had expressed in her appeal that she wants to carry attention to the tormenting and attack issue in the school all over. She believes that the school should be a protected zone instead of a spot to propagate brutality.

Also, she appears to have tried to sign 150,000 petitions hence in the span of 24 hours it has previously arrived at more than 128,000. Almost certainly, the tormenting issue will be tended to by the school.

— Itallstartshere (@It_startshere) May 16, 2022

Shaan Pritmani Bullying And Repercussions After the video of tormenting turned into a web sensation, the supervisory crew of Coppell ISD released a conventional expression of remorse to the guardians and expressed that they were exploring the matter.

Nonetheless, Shaan was, later on, displayed to blame and got a 3-day suspension while the assailant got a 1-day suspension from the school.

In any case, Shaan’s companions asked his folks and informed them that Shaan did nothing off-base except for the school’s falsehood made them issue outlandish discipline to the concerned gatherings.