In addition to cost and convenience, you should also be thinking about ingredients.  

The chemicals in laundry soaps can strip your clothing of its ability to breathe; as a result, you are at greater risk for skin rashes when wearing clothes washed with conventional detergents.  Some of these soaps contain perfumes as well as artificial colorants and enzymes which can irritate sensitive skin or trigger allergies.  Cleaning products containing phosphates have been linked to environmental problems due to their impact on aquatic life and waterways. These chemical cleaners do not biodegrade easily, meaning they stay in our lakes and rivers much longer than we might hope.  Additionally, using phosphate-based laundry soap means that there is less phosphate available for gardening; many homeowners rely on phosphorus from fertilizer runoff from their lawns. but excess amounts from cleaners could mean all that extra fertilizer doesn’t make it into their grass! Traditional laundromats may use chemicals like perchloroethylene (PCE) to clean clothes, without regard for human health. If a washing machine breaks down inside of one of these shops, whatever washes into storm drains gets released directly into nearby waterways—contributing to water pollution problems right in your neighborhood.

If you’re looking for an effective laundry detergent that is easy on your pocketbook, too, you’ve come to the right place. 


Yes. All of its laundry detergents fall under that umbrella, including Elements and Rockin Green. However, their name is not specifically stated on any of the packaging of their products.  

Is Solimo eco-friendly?

Their laundry detergents are made with Earth-friendly ingredients, which means that you can consider them to be eco-friendly. However, each product also has its specific list of ingredients and you’ll need to read it carefully before purchasing.